Keep this thought clearly in your mind. Smudging should be done with care and reverence along with a positive attitude and that of love.
The flame from a candle is recommended to light the smudge that the bundle starts to smoke. If there is a flame blow it out so that the smudge bundle is smoldering and not burning. When smudging a room, after the bundle is smoking, you walk around the perimeter of the room. Give special attention to the corners and the places behind doors. You can also fan the smoke through the room with a large smudge feather. If you wish, you may state a payer of gratitude for the cleansing and keep in mind your intention of removing negativity during the ritual,
Many people like to break off loose leaves and a candle may be used for them as well. In the very near future, Dr. Seth will have, along with the wonderful hand-made ceramic incense burners, smudge pots for the use of Smudging rituals.
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