And, here at Woodstock...we've got lots of pussy to go around!
January 20, 2012
Two years ago when our beloved cat, May, died on Mother’s Day, (she was going on 20), this couple came into the store carrying a teeny tiny orange bundle of joy. They put this bright little orange kitten on the floor. 
Our Monstro touched noses with him, turned around and marched the kitten into the bathroom where he could find food and water. The two of them then promptly fell asleep in their beds next to one another. I turned around to thank the couple and they were gone. I have often thought of how happy I am to have had this little orange angel, Mugsy, come into our lives.
Last Sunday, the door opened and this couple came into the store. They peered around the store and asked, “Do you still have an orange kitty?” I brought them into the office to showcase Mugsy. Of course, he was fast asleep on top of the high printer, like the king of hill. He responded to them, came down.They were delighted at how happy he is here and said, “We are the ones who brought Mugsy to you.” I was tingling all over with joy.
They told me how they had found him in the woods that day. He was covered in leaves and debris. They had taken him home, cleaned him up and contacted a friend, who mentioned our recent loss and suggested we might love a new kitten at the store, a new pal for Monstro.
Their recent visit was a particularly poignant moment, as Maverick and IO (EEE-OH), our beloved cats at our home for almost 20 years, both recently passed within a month of each other. Our home is a very different place without them.
Hence, our love for Mugsy is even more appreciated and intensified these days.
It has been a wonderful journey having both Monstro and Mugsy to keep us company and greet all of you. Monstro will get his day in the sun here soon on the blog! His story will be told…
It is truly a wonderment to share your life with these little creatures. I cannot fully express to you the life-changing relationship you can develop with a cat.
I hope you realize the adoption of any animal is a long-term commitment that has its ups and downs, good and bad. But, in the's all good!
Visit the WTC ADOPTION KENNEL FOR CATS at the Voorhees Animal Orphanage!
421 Cooper Road Voorhees Township, NJ 08043
(856) 627-9111
421 Cooper Road Voorhees Township, NJ 08043
(856) 627-9111
All cats adopted from our kennel will become automatic brothers and sisters to Monstro and Mugsy.
We would appreciate your stories and photos! Email them to me at or post on our Facebook Page!
All the best to you and your pussy! - "Mom"
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